Today’s Proverbs 31 Woman – Who is She and is She Real? Blog Posts
Today’s Proverbs 31 Woman – Who is She and is She Real?
November 06, 2020

We often read or refer to this portion of the scripture during marriage, mother’s day, or at only women gatherings and especially when you have to teach the girl how to be a virtuous woman. Proverbs 31 verses 10-31 describe an Ideal Woman in the context of Israel as a nation. She is described as an accomplished homemaker, a businesswoman, deeply impressive mother and a wife, a generous master and a wise teacher. To put simply she is Successful, Enterprising, and Highly Resourceful in all walks of her life thus qualifying her to be called as a “Woman of Valor”.  

Who is a Woman of Valor?

According to the secondary sources, this "Woman of Valor" has been described as the personification of wisdom, or in some sense as a description of a particular class of Women in Israel, Persia, or in Hellenistic society. It is one of the thirteen alphabetical acrostic poems in the Bible, where each line begins with a successive letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The word Ḥayil appears in verses 10 and 29 of the passage, thought as the summary of this Virtuous Woman and traditionally it has been translated as "virtuous" or "noble". Some scholars have suggested that it rather means "forceful", "mighty", or "valiant", because this word is almost exclusively used in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) with reference to warfare. In describing the woman of Proverbs 31:10-31, its meaning is best understood as strong or valiant. Hence, this makes this Virtuous Woman to be also called as a Woman of Valor.

Why Woman of Valor?

All of this information has made me more curious to find out is there a specific reason that this portion is applied only to women? What makes this scripture portion so important for women to lead a godly life and the perfect life to be a Woman of Valor? During my research on this topic, to my surprise, I figured that this portion is aimed at Teaching Men (young men) what to look in for in a woman in terms of traits and qualities and also to recognize and acknowledge the women in their lives. According to Jewish culture even today on every Friday night, before sabbath, the Men will sing this portion as a praise for their women. Men will be required to memorize this and sing this praise as a ritual every Friday night.

If this is only for Men, Why are we dwelling upon this? Do we still need to look at it like a job description to be in the role of that perfect woman, reducing womanhood to marriage, motherhood, and domesticity? But, in reality, this passage is about character that transcends both gender and circumstance. This speaks of a Virtuous Woman Who can Find? It is all about celebrating the Valor of a Woman. Men Celebrating Women and Women Celebrating Women. This really goes beyond gender and makes us more sensitive and appreciative towards others, encouraging and uplifting each other. 

Is Woman of Valor Real?

In reality, it is no longer presented as a song through which a man offers a woman praise, but Proverbs 31 is presented as a task list through which a woman earns it.  This, I believe, misses the point of the text entirely and often paints an image of “To-Do” list for every woman. If we look deep into the verses 10 - 31, it can serve as a reminder to have a sense of purpose, practising Godly behaviours, and to have the strength with-in to live a worthy life as we walk this worldly (earthly) life. 

What does these verses really mean to us today? These verses talk about the behaviour exhibited by this woman or in other words, these are the attributes that made this Woman a Virtuous one reflecting as a  real Woman of Valor. Let’s look at what these attributes are:

Faithful, Hardworking, Charitable, Resourceful, an Early Riser, Wise, Active, Honourable, Focuses on Excellence, God Fearing and last but not the least, using the God given Talents for the benefit of the place where you are kept (family/community etc.). This reminds me of a very popular saying looks in real world application and the saying is: “Bloom where you are planted selflessly”.

Finally Verse 31 talks about the reward, the praise that will come after all the hard work. This tells us that all the hard work that we really put will never go in vain. It is just that sometimes we expect it from wrong people or wrong places, expecting them to recognize or acknowledge and when not received we will feel disappointed, frustrated and even depressed at times. There lies the hidden truth to avoid this pitfall. Verse 30, is the Key Verse in this whole portion. “…but a woman who fears the lord will be greatly praised”. What is this telling us? And what is this FEAR mean to us? Fearing God means, obeying god in thought and in action.

When we truly live to the two commandments that Jesus gave in Matthew 22:37-40 (Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’[b] All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”), we will just be demonstrating all the above mentioned characteristics of the Woman of Valor. 

When we reflect on all the verses 10-31 of proverbs 31, we can learn that they are made possible to apply only we anchor onto the above said Faith & Love commandments given by Jesus. This proves that we all can be that Woman of Valor in today’s context.

How Can I be a Woman of Valor for Real?

In conclusion, we all can strive or work towards to be a Woman of Valor by putting God first and through constant communion with God. The good things we do don’t make us virtuous. Virtue comes from constant communion with God and knowing Whose we are.

I don’t believe that the Proverbs 31 Woman desired to be praised or earn fame. I believe that she simply wanted to serve the Lord. She wasn’t trying to be perfect, she just knew it was her duty to honour the Lord and the people among whom she is kept using the gifts and the time God has blessed her with.

It was natural for her to be a virtuous woman because the virtue was already in her heart.

I would like to leave you and myself with these questions as we join this journey to be a Woman of Valor:

Do I ask God to grant me my heart’s desires or wait upon him to know his leading and will in my life?

What is that I am craving for? Name, Fame, Wealth, or my name to be written in his book of life?

Am I drawing strength from my own capabilities and talents or am I using them for the Glory of God and draw strength in his wisdom?

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