Success Stories
RAMA DEVI SIDDELLA : Spotlight of the Month

RAMA DEVI SIDDELLA : Spotlight of the Month

Her Story in Her Words:


Rama is an Entrepreneur and a social development professional working for the last 21 years, in the area of Family and Reproductive Health, specialized in HIV/AIDS. She works with organizations such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), USAID, World Bank. After seeing so many desolate lives around me I wanted to make a difference in at least one person’s life using my compassion and education background in Anthropology. This passion has led me to do community work and to start an enterprising firm named EDEN.


When I encountered the scriptural portion of Ezekiel 36:35-36, the biblical terminology for desolation was a revelation for me:

35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. 36 Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.

And this stuck to me like never before and each time I sat in prayer I would remember this portion, which gave me hope that I will be doing something. People started suggesting to me I start something on my own with such immense experience that I have in the sector. They said “Have a Consultancy or an NGO of your own. Write proposals, approach govt. committees, start a food joint (people loved dishes) etc.” Nothing was working!!! And I kept asking God , “What is Your Plan?”


The genesis of Eden (All Natural) happened to provide a wide spectrum of pure and natural products towards a mutual co-existence of man and nature. Being a woman and a mother there was a continuous pursuit for pesticide free, uncontaminated, and purest food options for my son. My husband still remembers the day I refused to take up Eden and he ran around to register the brand. The discussions and the many disagreements!!! We did not even have the capital to start. Yet, EDEN was in the plan of God and it happened despite all my efforts of running away from it. Today, Eden brings 22+ varieties of fruit, root, spice, and nut induced honey, cold pressed oils, cosmetics, organic foods and other natural products.


EDEN was given a wonderful platform in the Business Influence Conference19 held by the Business Life Group (BLG) on 19th October 2019, the brand was launched formally among 200 top business personalities who are God’s children and believe in Jesus Christ. EDEN never looked back. We are growing in multifold with an ever-increasing customer base. Not even a year into it without any investment either in raw materials or advertising God provided a strong customer base of nearly thousand members only through the word of mouth. Most of the children have turned to healthy food styles as mothers testify. Many have been reached with the best immunity boosters, some have testified of being relieved of joint pains with our herbal preparations, some of our products have touched the U.S soil. Some are trying to reach them in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries.


There were two big challenges that we have faced as a business and successfully were able to overcome them because of our product quality.

Challenge 1: Identification of customer base. Identification of customers sitting in the comforts of our home with only a laptop was a challenge, as we did not have our own retail outlet. We started attending every possible event where we could set up stalls and making note of customers' contacts and sending gratitude notes. 

The customers liked the quality of the products and kept coming back. And some introduced me into business groups and very soon I was made the General Secretary of one of the groups consisting of 200 entrepreneurs. One of them came forward to develop an ecommerce website and even advertise for us. And today within a span of 10 months we have a customer base of at least 1000 members.


Challenge 2: Product delivery and Shipping: It was challenging to deliver our products on time. We had received complaints of damaged and packages destroyed when we used the courier services in Hyderabad.  

We tried many other options but ultimately decided to do a doorstep delivery through our own staff. We hired delivery staff not only for EDEN but also to extend delivery options to other similar entrepreneurs.


 Though we confronted the above challenges we kept going without quitting our business. God spoke to us from the below verse and it encouraged us to continue on this journey.

Psalm 1:3: “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper”. 


As God continues to bless, EDEN is All Natural, outshines as a brand and entrepreneurs have come forward to collaborate with us. Today EDEN is All Natural has three verticals – Honey and Honey Based products, Terrace Gardening & Plant Rentals and Organic fruits. Many more to come, as EDEN is All Natural is growing into a conglomerate, supporting at least a thousand families. God’s Plans are God sized!!!

I encourage all fellow Christian women to be resourceful, in using your God given gifts for His glory. Align and surrender your plans to God and He will cause it to come to pass in His Glory by Christ. Wait upon God and His favor will overtake you. Rely on God and He will increase wisdom and stature. Gratitude towards your customers and all those who have been a part of your journey keeps all together!!! And with all the above we shall soar on Eagle’s wings.


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