Who will roll the stone? Devotions
Who will roll the stone?
April 06, 2021

‘They asked each other, ‘Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?’ ~ Mark 16: 3


The disciples were going to the tomb. Their conversation was centered on what they would do when they got there. ‘Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?’ they wondered. They had barely got there when the first thing they noticed was that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away!


Look at our God who worked things out before hand for them! He knew the stone was very large… He knew they would have a problem… and He also knew what He had promised. The disciples didn’t really have to think or worry about it - it was His problem. After all, He had promised that Jesus would rise again! He had to keep His promise!


We too keep ourselves busy with such silly questions, how will I do this and how will that work out and so many countless queries, problems and fears. We don’t see that God has an answer for them all. He who promised knows how to make good His promise. His hand is not short or held up by any circumstance or situation. Why can’t He do it when there is nothing impossible for Him!


Have you allowed your situation to dictate about how big your God is? Have you allowed your doubts and fears crowd your mind so much that faith-filled thoughts can’t be heard? You need to have a spring cleaning done in your mind… fill your mind with faith, faith in God, God’s Word and His promises, His assurances. They are real, they are yours… believe and receive. Trust in God, He is always true.



Dear Jesus, pardon me for not trusting you enough. Help me to let every thing rest in Your hands, Amen.

- By Henrietta Decruz                         






















































































- By Henrietta Decruz                         
