Jehovah Raah/ The Lord is my Shepherd Devotions
Jehovah Raah/ The Lord is my Shepherd
November 12, 2020

 Psalms 80: 1; psalms 23: 1; Genesis 49: 24, Ezekiel 34: 11 to 15.

Jehovah means "the existing one who makes Himself known unceasingly. "Raah" means "shepherd ". Ezekiel 34: 11 to 15 mentions how God is ready to lead his children just as a shepherd would lead his flock of sheep. In Genesis and Psalms also God is referred to as the Shepherd. A shepherd is one who cares for his sheep and protects them at all costs. The shepherd can never  be irresponsible or unaccountable for his sheep.

In the New Testament, Jesus gives us an example of how the Shepherd is concerned about even one lost sheep. But that shepherd should be a "Good Shepherd ".

This word "shepherd " defines the leadership qualities that we need to have if we want to draw people into the kingdom of God.

Just as God ALMIGHTY is our Good Shepherd and takes care of our every need and want, we as leaders or members of the church of God, need to lead one another in a holy and righteous manner. We ought to be concerned about the spiritual well being of one another. In the natural too we need to help one another unselfishly.

God's love and care for his flock is everlasting. His protection is around us all the time. Even when we are disobedient and rebellious, God does not give up on us. He still remains our Good Shepherd. He searches for us and waits patiently for us to turn back to Him.

In these perilous times we all need a good friend and a good shepherd. Though afflictions surround us, we need not fear because Jehovah Raah is there to protect and guide us back into his flock. Our Good Shepherd is standing beside us like a Rock. He holds back the waters that threaten to drown us. He pulls us out of the valley. His rod and staff guide us into paths of righteousness. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He was the Shepherd in the Old Testament and He still is Jehovah Raah in the New Testament. Let God be your leader, protector and guide. God Almighty is our Jehovah Raah. Praise His Holy Name forever and ever. Amen and amen.

By Julia Devardhi
