Jehovah Rapha/ The Lord who heals Devotions
Jehovah Rapha/ The Lord who heals
November 12, 2020

Why do we need to know the different names of God? Each name has its own significance and that can be related to our individual situations. When we call upon God using His specific name, it helps establish a closer connection to God and we feel that our petitions will have an impact on God's response to our individual needs.

God is infinite and we can address Him in different ways according to our need. God's power and provision and his character is revealed through these various names. During the Old Testament times, a name was very significant. It was meaningful to the user and the person bearing the name.

Jehovah Rapha means the Lord who heals. He repairs our broken and crushed spirits. He binds our wounds. He is the Great Physician. He is the one who Heals. Our human minds are finite, they are limited, so understanding the vastness of God's character revealed through his names is beyond our capacity.

Exodus 15: 26. And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103: 3. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

We find many verses that talk about the Lord who heals. When we come to the New Testament, we find that all the names of Jehovah exist in the mighty name of JESUS, the Anointed One. His name is a name above all names. That's why we pray in the name of JESUS. He is our Shammah, our Jireh, our Nissi, our M'Kaddesh, our Raah, our Shalom and Rapha. He is all in all. He is everything to us. God's healing is both physical and spiritual. It is extensive and intensive. God's healing pierces through our bones and marrow. It is thorough. God's healing and restoration is deep. Such is the power of Jehovah Rapha.

God's healing is wholesome. It heals the mind and body. Our worldly frustrations and anxieties are also healed by the Holy Spirit. God's holy word teaches us his statutes and guides us in paths that will be good for us.

When we receive healing for body, mind and soul, then we are comforted and acquire the peace that passeth all understanding. So, let's call upon God using all his magnificent names and enjoy the absolute goodness of God. Praise the Lord.  Amen and amen.
