Living Water Devotions
Living Water
November 12, 2020

Ezekiel 47 : 1 to 12


The vision of Ezekiel in chapter 47, narrates how he was shown the water coming out of the threshold of the temple toward the East. The temple faced the East. The water was coming down from the south side of the temple, that means south of the altar. We see that as Ezekiel was walking with his guide, the water reached his ankles, then knee deep, next upto the waist and finally almost to the neck. At this last level, he could not walk through the water but had to swim. It was there that he stopped , and took Ezekiel back to the bank of the river.  Let's pause and ponder on this situation. There is a spiritual symbolism here.

If we assume the temple to be God and his sanctuary, then I think the ankle deep water could mean that first God teaches us in a simple way. Next the knee deep and waist level indicates that we are taken deeper into the understanding of his word and power. Finally, the water is so high that we have to swim and immerse ourselves into God's word and be covered by His mercy and Grace and filled with the Holy Spirit. This is one way to look at it.

Another way could be that we understand little at the beginning of our spiritual journey and later our understanding increases step by step. God moves us from glory to glory. However, there might be things that are beyond our individual understanding, then we should realise that it is time to totally surrender to God and his wisdom.

Now, let's look at the water. This water is increasing gradually. The water is from God's sanctuary. That means, when we are under his protection, the blessings will begin in a small way and later on we will see God's abundance in our lives. Prosperity in the natural and spiritual is slow and steady. It is not an overnight magic. God's blessings are gradual because at every step we are being tested and strengthened. God wants to make sure we are ready for his grace and mercy.

In verses 7 to 12 , Ezekiel describes the prosperity he saw. He mentions how the salt water became fresh water and became a place where different kinds of fishes could live. At the same time certain areas were left salty because the minerals there are necessary for human existence . Ezekiel also saw fruit trees . They were evergreen. They bore fruit throughout the year. Those trees not only provided food but also their leaves were used for healing.

To me, this indicates that God is eternal. He is our daily bread. He is our Healer. The word of God is living. It brings healing to our wearied souls and bones.

Notice that the water is flowing from the south to the East. That is from under God's sanctuary towards God himself. This is the direction in which we should move. We must go with the flow of God's word and power. Not against it. Our lives which are like the Dead Sea, must be made into a fresh water sea where others can find life. That means, we have to be a blessing to ourselves and to others. We must be washed in his blood and purified to establish our holy relationship with a Holy God. Jesus is the living spring of living waters. He is our fountain of life. He is our provider, Jehovah Jireh.

Similarly, the Waters of shiloah mentioned in  Isaiah 8:6; and the fountain in Joel 3:18; symbolize the benefits to be experienced by Israel. Life and healing are found in  the waters that fertilize our barren lives. In other words, we receive God's blessings from his holy sanctuary. Amen and amen

By Julia Devardhi
