Light in Jars of Clay Devotions
Light in Jars of Clay
November 12, 2020

2 Corinthians 4 : 6 and 7 

Genesis 1 : 2 and 3

The book of Genesis narrates the story of creation. It begins with God commanding light to be there. It was out of darkness that light was created. Thus, God separated the darkness from light. 

Next, in 2 Corinthians 4: 6, we are told that the same God made His light shine in our hearts to give us the glory of God that would bring divine knowledge and wisdom into our lives. And in verse 7 we read that this light is shining in jars of Clay, that is our natural human bodies. This light is the all -surpassing power of God. 

God's light brings knowledge that makes us realise that it is His power that enables us to understand God who dwells within us. Light makes everything visible. In the same way, God's word shows us the direction in which we should walk. Though we are made of clay yet we carry the power of the holy spirit. 

Before the entrance of God's light, we are formless and void. But darkness is dispelled by the light. Similarly, the challenges around us create darkness in our minds and we become blind to God's providence. We begin to  stumble and fall. However, God's light is an eternal one. Once it enters us, it stays forever. All we need to do is keep the switch on. Where and what is that switch? It is the Bible, God's word. It is our double edged sword. It is living. It brings new life into our lives. The word of God is God's breath breathing into us constantly and consistently. 

God's light shapes us physically and spiritually. It moulds our character and the face of God is reflected in us. God's light is so powerful that it can surpass the darkness of our challenges. It is the source of wisdom and knowledge. God's light trains our minds to resist all kinds of temptations and helps pull down every stronghold. 

We need this power for both our natural and spiritual lives. Understanding and discerning are crucial to our well-being. The light of God searches our innermost thoughts and purifies us too. It fortifies us against the forces of darkness. The light of God is our strength. The way before us is bright and clear. What we need to do is to surrender ourselves to the light. We may be clay jars, but we are precious because we carry the LIGHT of God, which is priceless. It is a treasure to be guarded and that which cannot be stolen .But we need the power of the Holy Spirit to protect ourselves.  Praise the Lord. Amen and amen.


Dear Lord, 

Thank you for making us priceless since we carry the LIGHT of God in clay jar of life. Give us the power of Holy Spirit and protect us to shine the Light that is within us to the world. In Jesus name Amen.


By Julia Devardhi
